Bridging Innovation Connects MITRE Researchers with Startup Collaboration Opportunities
One way that MITRE Bridging Innovation pursues its mission is through its partnership with the MITRE's independent research and development program. Both entities strive for similar outcomes - putting new technologies into the hands of government agencies and their...
Industry partnership advances additive manufacturing for acoustic transducers
THE CHALLENGE Compact and autonomous underwater sensing platforms rely on acoustic transducers for transmitting and receiving signals in marine environments. These systems may be constrained to battery power and thus critically limited by less efficient or sensitive...
Techstars Starburst Space Accelerator – 10 June
Join the Techstars Starburst Space Accelerator for a special virtual mentor mixer as we kick off our 2020 program and welcome each of the companies selected to participate. You will have an opportunity to meet each of the founders of the participating companies in...
The U.S. Air Force Lab with MassChallenge selects inaugural cohort
The first 10 startups to participate in The U.S. Air Force Lab with MassChallenge, a two-year pilot project designed to increase non-traditional participation in Small Business Innovative Research program opportunities, were selected April 24. Airgility, Inc.;...
Top Flight Pitch Night, a virtual event – 18 May
TOP FLIGHT PITCH NIGHT, A VIRTUAL EVENT Our second annual Top Flight Pitch Night is May 18th at 6PM. This pitch night will take place virtually with Air University students participating from around the world and the ability for an audience to tune in live online! The...
Air Force Powered by Techstars Demo Day – 14 May
Well, after considerable trials and tribulations above and beyond what a usual Techstars class has to go through, on behalf of Techstars, AFWERX, NSIN, and BAE Systems FAST Labs we are delighted to invite you to our virtual Demo Day! Please come see how we have...
Health Guidelines for 3D Printing Medical Devices and Personal Protective Equipment During COVID-19 Response
Note: The guidelines in this paper are targeted to the Maker Community. We will shortly publish a companion piece that is directed at the users of 3D printed equipment to help them determine how to make the best use of the equipment and assess its effectiveness. We...
Mass Robotics Demo Day 27-28 April
MassRobotics & The New England Venture Capital Association Invite you to join us for 2 afternoons of MassRobotics Startups Virtual Presentations & Demos on April 27th and 28th @ 3:30 –5:00 p.m. Although times are challenging and our normal in person demo days...
Cultivating an Innovation Culture through Virtual Challenge Statement Workshop
The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the nature of the way we work, but not our ability to deliver value to our sponsors. Originally slated to be an in-person half day workshop, the Innovation Toolkit (ITK), Bridging Innovation, and MITRE’s Air Force Cyber Operations...
Techstars Revamped Demo Day
At Techstars, Demo Day is a huge day for startups - both a celebratory moment at the end of their accelerator experience and a business-critical chance for them to show investors, corporate partners and the startup community just what they have to offer. In response...