“Buckle up and get ready to blast off with some eye-opening solutions that promise to be game changers for space, that really reach for the stars and beyond.” With that introduction from lead mentor Lt Col J.J. Snow, chief technologist of AFWERX, the Techstars Starburst Space Accelerator held its second annual demo day on September 10th.
The program ran a cohort of ten companies. Their products included imaging from balloons in the stratosphere (Urban Sky); integrated circuits on foil (Lux Semiconductors); high performance computing for machine learning (Natural Intelligence); collaborative real-time control of drones (vRotors); lightweight requirements management (Prewitt Ridge); air quality safety as a service (WeavAir); lightweight gas tanks (Infinite Composites); machine learning for optical image recognition (Bifrost) and synthetic aperture radar image recognition (SATIM); and virtual reality augmented with hand gestures for training (Holos).

Shane McMahon, CEO of Lux Semiconductor, envisions printing circuits on flexible foil.
Click to read the full article and link to the presentations