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MassChallenge Rhode Island Names Top 2019 Startups

October 2, 2019, RHODE ISLAND – MassChallenge, a global network of zero-equity startup accelerators, today announced the top six startups from its 2019 Rhode Island program. Selected startups will now move into the final judging round, where they’ll compete for cash...

GlobalWIN visits Seaport

MITRE hosted the Global Women’s Innovation Network in the Boston Seaport on Thursday Oct 3rd.  A dozen US Congressional staffers toured MassChallenge and MassRobotics learning about the robust innovation ecosystem in Boston and MITRE’s activities to bridge innovative...

BostInno’s 2019 50 on Fire

23 September- We are thrilled to introduce you to BostInno’s 2019 50 on Fire. Today, we’re officially announcing the 50 people and companies that are heating up Boston’s ecosystem. We invite you and your team, friends, family—and anyone who wants to network with...