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Innovation Bridging

While we are best known for the work we do directly for our government sponsors, we also serve as an Innovation Bridge between government and the private sector, connecting and applying inventive ideas, products, and services to national and governmental challenges.

Government Challenges

We help the government by sharing our knowledge of technology and government requirements with start-ups, academia, and others to see where they can plug into government mission areas and technology needs.

Our Approach

We connect organizations that have relevant, innovative ideas to the government agencies that could use them. The federal government is reaching out to innovators directly, recognizing that good ideas can come from companies of all sizes.  In our role as the government’s trusted advisor, MITRE is in a good position to help the government find the innovations it needs, and connect them to the right partners.

Innovation Partners

Innovations come from many different organizations and we’re interested in those ideas that meet our sponsors’ needs — they don’t have to come from us. In fact, our engineers and scientists often work with academia and industry — including startups and incubators — in joint efforts to more quickly find solutions to the government’s toughest problems.

In our role as the government’s trusted advisor, MITRE is in a good position to help the government find the inovations it needs, and connect them to the right partners.

Government Challenges

We help the government by sharing our knowledge of technology and government requirements with start-ups, academia, and others to see where they can plug into government mission areas and technology needs.

Our Approach

We connect organizations that have relevant, innovative ideas to the government agencies that could use them. The federal government is reaching out to innovators directly, recognizing that good ideas can come from companies of all sizes.

Innovation Partners

Innovations come from many different organizations and we’re interested in those ideas that meet our sponsors’ needs — they don’t have to come from us. In fact, our engineers and scientists often work with academia and industry — including startups and incubators — in joint efforts to more quickly find solutions to the government’s toughest problems.

Our Approach

Shape the transition path for success – from translating end user needs for public consumption to identifying funding sources for rapid transition.

Embed into regional technical centers of gravity to build trusted community relationships and greater understanding of Government challenges.

Leverage the network in innovation ecosystems to identify sources and solutions that fit evaluation criteria.

Accelerate capabilities by leveraging our deep technical knowledge, unique resources, and expansive Government and Industry network.

Ensure end user advocates and facilitate contract opportunities.

Bulletin Board


MassRobotics is the collective work of a group of Boston-area engineers, rocket scientists, and entrepreneurs.  With a shared vision to create an innovation hub and startup cluster focused on the needs of the robotics community, MassRobotics was born.  Their mission...

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Pison Technology

Pison Technology has developed a body-as-a platform technology that enables accurate and intuitive gesture-based control of digital devices and interfaces by capturing and filtering signals sent to the nervous system.  Pison's first product is a wrist-wearable device...

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Defense Innovation Summit Austin 19 November

Capital Factory (701 Brazos St Austin) welcomes you to our Defense Innovation Summit on November 19 starting @ 0900, where we’ll bring defense partners, corporations, the startup community and investors together for a full day of programming to promote valuable...

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