Bridging Innovation in Action

Since the inception of Bridging Innovation nearly ten years ago, the program has demonstrated continuous development through our team’s growth, increased sponsor engagement, and expanded reach from coast-to-coast.​

Bridging Innovation is a corporate resource—set out to effectively build pathways for our staff, researchers, projects, and sponsors to innovation ecosystems across the United States. We are uniquely positioned to convene government, industry, and academia to collaborate on big societal challenges.

Virtual Spark Collider & Pitch Bowl AF 12 March

We all know flexibility is the key to airpower (according to us Air Force folks), so despite having to cancel our in-person Spark Collider and Pitch Bowl events in Austin this week, we're making them virtual! Brought to you out of Mission Control in Capital...

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Accelerating Startups in Texas

The MITRE Air Force Cyber Operations Portfolio, in collaboration with Bridging Innovation, is working with MassChallenge Texas to help shape and scope their next accelerator program in San Antonio. In late January, MassChallenge Texas, which manages established...

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Unmanned Insight: Mass Mobility Accelerator 5 March

To realize some of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commission on the Future of Transportation report recommendations, in January, the Governor announced that he is funding an accelerator, to be known as the Mobility Hub, in collaboration with the Cambridge...

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Collaborative Research Detecting Space Objects

As space has become more congested and rival nations develop weapons to target U.S. satellites, MITRE is partnering with innovative solutions to improve the U.S. space domain awareness by identifying, characterizing, and understanding any factor, passive or active,...

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Meet MITRE, the Nonprofit Bridging Startups and Government

January 23, 2020  A Bedford-based nonprofit, MITRE, is the powerhouse behind a new initiative called Bridging Innovation, designed specifically to play matchmaker between startups and government agencies. For the program, MITRE has partnered with essentially all of...

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