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Events – old

Events – old

There are always opportunities to attend and engage in various activities with government and industry innovation leaders.  From conferences to demo days to exhibition events – we’ll keep you informed of the latest ways to get involved.

Techstars Revamped Demo Day

At Techstars, Demo Day is a huge day for startups - both a celebratory moment at the end of their accelerator experience and a business-critical chance for them to show investors, corporate partners and the startup community just what they have to offer. In response...

COVID-19 Acquisition/Contracting

MITRE’s Acquisition in the Digital Age (AiDA) team curated a COVID-19 page on our AiDA website focused on Acquisition and Contracting for government COVID-19 response. Content includes contracting strategies and flexibilities leveraging both existing authorities, and...

Open Source for Personal Protective Equipment

According to the CDC, COVID-19 is believed to be spread mainly from person-to-person, “through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes." In order to safely treat patients, healthcare personnel must don appropriate Personal Protective...

Ventilator Project at MassRobotics

COVID-19 targets the lungs causing respiratory illness with, in severe cases, complications like pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Severe cases will require a ventilator to be able to deliver enough oxygen into the lungs to the rest of the body. ...

Virtual Spark Collider & Pitch Bowl AF 12 March

We all know flexibility is the key to airpower (according to us Air Force folks), so despite having to cancel our in-person Spark Collider and Pitch Bowl events in Austin this week, we're making them virtual! Brought to you out of Mission Control in Capital...

Accelerating Startups in Texas

The MITRE Air Force Cyber Operations Portfolio, in collaboration with Bridging Innovation, is working with MassChallenge Texas to help shape and scope their next accelerator program in San Antonio. In late January, MassChallenge Texas, which manages established...