Our VISION is a diverse innovation ecosystem working together for a safer world.
Our MISSION is to build pathways to discover, accelerate, and deliver innovation from non-traditional sources to solve national problems.
Why Bridging Innovation?
The current pace of technology is moving quickly, creating new opportunities and new challenges.
To adapt to this evolving world, we’ve built a framework for how to plug into and harness the power of the innovation community in order to more quickly deliver capabilities into the hands of the federal government.
Bridging Innovation Motivations
Opportunity to leverage commercial technologies to reduce acquisition time, cost, and risk.
Quickly deliver capabilities to the government by harnessing and supporting the power of the innovation community.
Opportunity to move into a new market.
Potential for non-dilutive funding.
Bridging Innovation Framework
Scout & Match
Develop an intentional and comprehensive strategic plan for successful transition.
Embed into and convene at regional technical centers of gravity to build trusted community relationships and greater understanding of national problems.
Leverage our networks to identify sources and capabilities that address national problems.
Accelerate identified capabilities by applying our deep technical domain knowledge, unique resources, and expansive Government and industry network.
Deliver capabilities rapidly through streamlined contracting.
For more information on Bridging Innovation, contact us at bridge@mitre.org.
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